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Drinking games for threesomes

Drinking games are a popular way to provide fun and entertainment at parties. They bring people together and create a relaxed atmosphere. There are also a variety of drinking games for groups of three that can provide lots of fun and drinks for everyone involved.

Why drinking games?

Drinking games are a fun way to break the ice and lighten the mood at parties. They promote a sense of togetherness and provide shared experiences. The games create funny situations and a relaxed atmosphere in which people can get to know each other better. Drinking games are one way to make celebrating even more interesting and exciting.

Fun and drinks for everyone: drinking games for three

Although many drinking games are designed for larger groups, there are also a variety of games specifically designed for groups of three. These games offer the perfect balance of competition and fun, ensuring that every player is equally involved.

Here are some examples of drinking games designed specifically for groups of three:

Game Description
1st Kings Kings uses cards with different meanings that lead to different actions. Each player takes turns drawing a card and must perform the corresponding action.
2. I have never In this game, statements are made, such as "I have never stolen anything." Any player who has never heard the statement remains seated while the others drink.
3. Flunkyball Flunkyball is a game of skill in which two teams compete against each other. The aim of the game is to hit a bottle with a ball while the opposing team tries to catch the ball.

These games offer an opportunity to have fun together while enjoying drinks. However, it is important to use alcohol responsibly and know your limits. Alternatives to alcohol can also be considered to ensure that everyone attending can enjoy the evening.

Drinking games for three people can be a great way to liven up a party. With a variety of classic games, card games, dice games and your own creations, there is a game to suit every preference and mood. However, it is always important to keep safety and responsibility in mind and to ensure that every player can enjoy the evening to the fullest.

Classic drinking games for three people

When it comes to playing drinking games with three people, there are many classic options that can provide fun and entertainment. Here are three popular drinking games that work well for a group of three:

1st Kings

Kings is a popular card game that is perfect for a small group. Each card is assigned a specific meaning, such as drinking a shot, giving a rule, or starting a conversation. The exact rules can vary depending on the players' preferences. Here is one possible assignment of the cards:

Map Meaning
ace Everyone drinks
king The player determines a rule
lady All women drink
jack All men drink
10 The player drinks himself
9 The player chooses a drinking partner
8 The player starts a conversation topic
7 Everyone must sit down quickly
6 The player chooses a swallowing master
5 The player may choose a shot
4 Everyone must touch the ground
3 The player chooses a drinking assistant
2 The player drinks twice

2. I have never

Never Have I Ever is a popular drinking game in which players take turns making statements that begin with "Never Have I Ever." Any player who cannot confirm the statement must drink. The game can produce both funny and surprising revelations. Here are some examples of statements:

  • I've never kissed anyone I just met.
  • I've never left a party without saying goodbye.
  • I've never stolen anything.
  • I've never seen a movie that made me cry.
  • I've never gotten a traffic ticket.

3. Flunkyball

Flunkyball is a dynamic outdoor drinking game that is a lot of fun. It requires a ball and two teams. Each team has a bottle that is placed in the middle of the playing field. The object of the game is to knock over the opposing team's bottle by throwing the ball. During the game, players must also complete certain tasks, such as drinking a shot or performing a certain action. The exact set of rules can vary depending on the players' preferences.

These classic drinking games for three are a fun way to liven up a party and have a great time together with friends. However, it's important to make sure everyone involved uses alcohol responsibly and supports one another. Alternatively, consider non-alcoholic drinks or other activities to find a good balance.

card games for three people

When it comes to drinking games for three people, card games are a popular choice. These games not only provide entertainment, but also create a fun atmosphere and allow everyone to enjoy drinks. Here are three card games that are particularly good for three players:

1. Ring of Fire

Ring of Fire, also known as Kings or Circle of Drunkenness, is a popular card game that is well suited for larger groups, but can also be played with three players. In this game, cards are drawn from a deck and certain actions are performed depending on the card drawn. Each card has a specific meaning, for example, a certain card requires a shot to be taken or it sets a rule that applies to the rest of the game.

Map Meaning
ace Waterfall - All players drink until the first player stops
2 You - The player who drew the card chooses another player who must drink
3 I - The player who drew the card drinks
4 Floor - All players must sit on the floor as quickly as possible, the slowest player drinks
5 Guys - Male players drink
6 Chicks - Female players drink
7 Heaven - All players must raise their hands, the last player drinks
8 Mate - The player who drew the card chooses a drinking partner who must drink whenever he/she drinks
9 Rhyme - The player who drew the card says a word and the other players take turns to find words that rhyme with it. The player who cannot find a word drinks
10 Categories - The player who drew the card names a category (e.g. car brands) and the other players take turns to name something. Anyone who cannot name anything drinks
jack Rule - The player who drew the card sets a rule that applies for the rest of the game
lady Question - The player who drew the card asks another person a question. If the question is not answered, the player drinks
king King's Cup - The player who draws the fourth king must pour part of his drink into the central cup. The one who draws the last king must drink the entire cup

2nd Durak

Durak is a traditional Russian card game that can also be played as a drinking game. It is played with a deck of 36 cards and the aim of the game is to get rid of all the cards. In Durak, two players play against a "fool" (durak). The fool is the one who has cards left in his hand at the end of the game and is therefore the loser.

In the drinking game variant of Durak, the Fool can drink shots on certain events. For example, the Fool could drink every time he draws a card that is smaller than a card that has already been played.

3. Mäxchen

Mäxchen, also known as Meiern or Mäxle, is a dice game that can also be played with cards. This variation of the game requires two dice and a deck of cards. Each player receives a card with a certain combination of numbers on it. The players take turns rolling the dice and must reveal their cards according to the numbers rolled.

The cards can have different meanings, for example the player has to drink if he rolls a certain number or if his card shows a higher total than the previous player.

Map Meaning
ace The player drinks
2 The player chooses another player who has to drink
3 The player chooses a drinking partner who must drink whenever he/she drinks
4 The player drinks and then rolls the dice again
5 The player drinks
6 The player drinks
7 The player drinks
8 The player drinks
9 The player drinks
10 The player drinks
jack The player chooses a drinking partner
lady The player drinks
king The player drinks

These card games offer a fun way to spend the evening with friends while immersing yourself in a fun atmosphere. It is important to always use alcohol responsibly and respect each player's limits. Alternatively, non-alcoholic drinks can be offered as an option so that everyone can enjoy the game.

dice games for three people

When it comes to drinking games for three people, dice games are a fun option. Here are three popular dice games that work well for groups of three.

1. Mexico

The game "Mexico" is a simple yet exciting dice game for three people. Each player needs two dice. The aim of the game is to get the highest score without knowing the values ​​of the dice.

Result score
double six (66) 200
one and two of a kind (11, 22) 100
one and six of a kind (11, 66) 90
three and four of a kind (33, 44) 80
five and six of a kind (55, 66) 70
four and four of a kind (44, 44) 60
three and three of a kind (33, 33) 50
Two and three of a kind (22, 33) 40
one and three of a kind (11, 33) 30
Single One or Six 10

2. Meiern

"Meiern", also known as "Mäxchen" or "Schocken", is another popular dice game for three players. Each player needs two dice and a dice cup. The aim of the game is to get the highest score by cleverly combining the dice results.

Result score
doubles (e.g. 22, 33, 44) Highest value of the pair
21 (e.g. 32 or 23) 21
31 (eg 41 or 14) 31
Meiern (eg 61 or 16) 60
Single One or Six 10

3. Ten thousand

Ten Thousand is a popular dice game that can be played with three or more people. Each player needs five dice and the goal is to be the first to reach 10,000 points. Players take turns rolling the dice and earn points for combinations such as three of a kind, four of a kind, straights and other special combinations.

There are many different scoring rules and variations in Ten Thousand, so it is advisable to establish the exact rules before playing.

Dice games offer a fun way to spend an evening while having fun, but remember to use alcohol responsibly and respect each player's limits. Alternatively, you can offer non-alcoholic drinks as an option for those who don't want to drink alcohol. Don't forget that the most important goal of a drinking game is to have fun, so enjoy the time with your friends!

own creations and variations

To increase the fun factor of drinking games for three people, you can also try out your own creations and variations. These games offer an opportunity to change the classic rules or create completely new games. Here are three examples of your own creations and variations of drinking games for three people:

1. Three-player pong

Three-a-side pong is a variation of the popular game beer pong, which is usually played by two teams. In three-a-side pong, three people play together and compete against each other. The basic rules remain the same: each team tries to throw balls into the opposing team's cups. When a ball lands, the opposing team must drink the corresponding cup. The special thing about three-a-side pong is that the players take turns throwing. This creates a dynamic game in which every player is actively involved.

2. Three-player memory

Match 3 is a creative variation of the classic memory game. Instead of cards, small cups are used. These cups are placed face down on the table. Each player takes turns and can reveal two cups. If the cups match, the player who found the pair has to drink a shot or a small drink. If the cups do not match, they are covered up again and the next player takes a turn. The game continues until all pairs have been found.

3. Threesome Quiz

Threesome Quiz is a fun variation of the popular quiz game. In this game, players take turns asking questions and have to answer them correctly. For each wrong answer, they have to drink a shot or a small drink. Different categories can be chosen for the questions, such as general knowledge, films, music or sports. The threesome quiz offers the opportunity to prove your knowledge and have fun at the same time.

These custom creations and variations of drinking games for three people can liven up the party night and add some extra fun. However, it's important to handle alcohol consumption responsibly and support each other to ensure that everyone has a great night.

Safety and Responsibility

When playing drinking games, it's important to keep both safety and responsibility in mind. Here are some points to keep in mind to ensure responsible drinking, offer alternatives to alcohol, and provide tips for a successful night.

Responsible alcohol consumption

  • Drink responsibly and in moderation. Make sure participants in the game are aware of their limits and know when it's time to stop.
  • Make sure that all participants are aware of the game and are participating voluntarily. No one should be forced to drink.
  • Pay attention to the health of participants. People with pre-existing medical conditions or taking medication may need to avoid alcohol.
  • Offer non-alcoholic drinks as an alternative so that people who don't want to or aren't allowed to drink alcohol can still have fun.
  • If necessary, provide plenty of food and snacks to mitigate the effects of alcohol.

alternatives to alcohol

Not everyone likes or is allowed to drink alcohol, so it's important to offer alternative drinks to give everyone the opportunity to join in the fun. Here are some non-alcoholic alternatives:

beverage Description
mocktails Non-alcoholic cocktails that offer the taste and experience of cocktails without containing alcohol.
lemonades Refreshing and sparkling drinks with different flavors.
fruit juices Naturally flavored juices that offer a variety of taste experiences.
fruit-flavored water Water with a subtle hint of fruit flavor to provide a refreshing alternative.

Tips for a successful evening

So that everyone can enjoy the evening, here are some tips for a successful games evening:

  • Choose games that are suitable for all participants and that everyone will enjoy.
  • Make sure you have enough space and a comfortable environment.
  • Make sure there are enough drinks and snacks to sustain participants.
  • Keep the pace of the game moderate to allow enough time for entertainment and conversation.
  • Be attentive and make sure everyone feels comfortable and safe.
  • Plan ahead and make sure the game lasts a reasonable amount of time so that no one gets overly tired or overwhelmed.

By ensuring that alcohol consumption is responsible, alternatives to alcohol are offered, and the evening is well planned, a game night for three can be a fun and memorable experience.

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